Lake Superior - Sleeping Giant

I'm now in Regina Saskatchewan and I feeling a little FLAT! They are not kidding when they say it's flat - I was tottaly "Flatergasted" yesterday as I drove from Winnipeg to Regina.
Im heading to Cypress Hills provincial park on the boarder of Manitoba and Saskatchewan...see you soon.
Back online again....
Sleeping Giant was not what I expected however it did not disappoint.
I arrived in the rain and at dinner time so what’s a girl to do? I decided that it was a perfect indoor picnic scenario!!! Northern Ontario Style.

Expecting that the epic sleeping giant would be the focus of my visit I was completely surprised by the entertainment provided by the parks woodland creatures.
Don’t turn your back for a moment because the park fox was as cleaver as thier reputation.

The local young buck taking a rest across from my cool is that!

BUT my favourite character of all is the resident paper towel thief and freeloader!

I know I can fit it all in….seriously!
Lets go see what Michelle has to eat?

Nope nothing in here!
Pterodactyl Flight training center!


Race Ya !

AND we have a winner ....
Whew, I need a nap!

At your service mam!
Got all my ducks in a row!

Even the sunset was all about the birds…can you see what I see? Maybe I just had too much wine.

In case I forgot where I was….LOL

The Sea Lion is an interesting geological formation.

Look mom no hands!

Hard to appreciate the grandeur of this breathtaking view of the Sleeping Giant from Thunder Bay Lookout! You’ll have to take my word for it.

A final glance at this amazing view of the Sleeping Giant from my campsite.

Thunder Bay next post !